Uninstall Sage 50 Complete Accounting 2015
Once you have finished using Sage 50, you may wish to remove the program from your computer.
This topic shows you how to uninstall Sage 50 from a single computer. Note that this topic
demonstrates the process of removing Sage 50 Complete Accounting 2015 from a computer running
Windows 7. If you are using Windows Vista or
Windows 8,
the process may differ slightly from the instructions below.
To uninstall Sage 50 you need to open the Control Panel of your computer to the window
where you can remove or uninstall programs. In Windows 7,
open the Control Panel, then under the Programs heading, click Uninstall a program.
If you are using other versions of Windows you can search for Uninstall a program.
The Uninstall or change a program window
displays a list of the programs installed on that
computer. Scroll down the list to find the Sage 50 software that you want to uninstall.
Select the program by clicking on it once to highlight it and
then click Uninstall at the top of the window.
This will open the Maintenance Options wizard for Sage 50. Of the maintenance options available,
select Remove and then click Next.
Sage 50 then asks you to confirm that you want to completely remove the Sage 50 software.
Click OK.
A progress bar is displayed while the files are being removed from your computer. Be patient - this
process may take some time. You will know when the files have been uninstalled because you will
see the following screen. Click Finish.
Note that this process uninstalls the software but does not remove all files. As a final step, you will need to
manually delete the Sage Software folder from your computer by right clicking it and selecting Delete. Provided you did not change the suggested location
when installing Sage 50, this file should be found at
C:\Program Files (x86) or C:\Program Files
Additionally, you may wish to delete the Sage folder from your hard drive (this folder was
created during the software installation as a temporary location to save the extracted files),
as well as any backup files that you created when using Sage 50.
This can be done by right clicking the folder and selecting Delete.
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