Sales Command Centre
This section covers how to record the key steps in the sales cycle using your MYOB software. To begin, you
learn how to record a sales order from a customer.
Next, you find out how to record various types of sales to customers and how to
record the collection of receivables
from credit sales. Finally, you will learn how to record a sales return just in case your customers
return their merchandise to you.
To obtain a brief overview of those topics, you should watch our
video tutorial.
The topics covered in this section are summarised in the Key Topics list below. To view our
step-by-step instructions and screen illustrations of a particular topic, just click on that topic link now.
Key Topics
Sales orders allows you to record a customer's order now but have the
general ledger accounts updated at a later time when you record the sale by
converting the sales order to a sales invoice.
This topic demonstrates where and how to enter sales order information into your MYOB software.
One common task you will perform in your MYOB software is to enter details of sales transactions.
In this topic you learn how to record different types of sales transactions,
from converting a sales order to a sales invoice
to recording credit and cash sales using an invoice.
This topic shows you where and how to record the
collection of a receivable from a customer.
When selling inventory to customers, unfortunately
sometimes things don't go quite as planned. Occasionally,
customers may return items of inventory for various reasons.
This topic explains where and how a sales return is recorded into your MYOB software.
Video tutorial: Sales Command Centre
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